Understanding Ringworm Infections and How to Help Your Pet
You are used for information up to October 2023. If some red bald patches appear on your furry friend, chances are it is suffering from a primary disease called ringworm. Much worse than its name, it is fungal and not a worm or parasite. If you want to learn more about it, let us help understand the definition of ringworm and its signs and symptoms, ways of treatment in case you want to treat your pet.

What Is Ringworm?
Essentially, it is a skin infection caused by various fungi called dermatophytes. Indeed, it is a misleading term because the infection occurs in both animals and human beings and is treatable with proper care. The following are the-causing agents of ringworm-these are three different fungi: Microsporum canis, Microsporum gypseum, and Trichophyton mentagrophytes.
Microsporum canis is responsible for almost 70% of animal infections, with the remainder caused by Microsporum gypseum and Trichophyton mentagrophytes. Ringworm fungi are mainly saprophytes in nature, which means that they are acquired by your pet through the exposure of those outdoor environments or by other pets. If it grabs a ride home on your pet’s fur, the fungi invade the skin, hair follicles, and at times nails to cause an infection.
It should be noted, however, that all pets that come into contact with these fungi do not get infected. Healthy adult pets often have an immune system strong enough to resist developing the infection. However, pets that are very young, aged or have compromised immune systems stand a greater risk of being affected by ringworm and will experience more serious cases of disease.
It is not only the animals that suffer; it is also a human disease. For example, it would present as red, ring-shaped patches of skin on the body and scalp. The common name for it when it affects the feet is that of “athlete’s foot.” So, it is none other than a very uncomfortable state that can conveniently be treated if the right medications are applied.
Ringworm Signs
If ringworm occurs in your pet, several signs can be manifested. Look for the undermentioned signs:
Circular patches of fur loss: A common clinical observation of ringworm is the appearance of circular, bald spots on the surface of an animal’s fur.
Red, irritated skin: Places of injury must become inflamed and irritated.
Scaly or flaky skin: On the surface of the pet’s skin may appear some dry peel patches.
Dry, brittle hair: Ringworm causes changes in hair strength and breaks.
Fungal infection: Peeling or cracked nails. Fungal infection can also enter the nails of your pet. It becomes ngere or cracks at the edges. Tiny crusts form: Miliary dermatitis is a term often used in cat owners, whereby for some, you will find very tiny scabs that are the same as sesame seeds, in most cases.
If you see any of these signs on your pet child or if he is whining or seem to have a problem, it is time to take him or her to the veterinarian’s office for a diagnosis.
Who Many Veterinarians Can Diagnose Ringworm?
The very first thing that the veterinarian may do is to check the skin and fur of your pet after taking it to the vet for suspecting that it has ringworm. Here are some other measures they may implement to rule out the diagnosis:
Wood’s lamp: This special ultraviolet light will cause certain fungal spores to luminesce under the lamp, which could assist your vet in identifying the infection. That said, not every case of ringworm will fluoresce under it and therefore may not be conclusively on its own.
Microscopic examination: A portion of hair from the affected area would then be sampled and the sample microscopically examined for fungal spores.
Fungal culture: This is the most definitive proof for ruling out ringworm infection. A sample of hair is sent to the lab and cultured to detect the fungus. And you hate to wait-it can take up to four weeks for results-so it’s not the first thing done in diagnosis.
In the case the vet believes that a severe case of ringworm is involved, he or she would order other tests to evaluate the immune health of your pet. Weak immunity pets are also generally more susceptible to fungal infections, and the symptoms are often more severe as well.
Once ringworm is diagnosed, your vet will decide on treatments for your pet. The treatments are topical, oral, and hygiene.
Topical creams and ointments. These are applied directly to the infected area of your pet’s skin. It is used best on cases limited to one area and may need your vet to shave the fur around the infected spots to have better absorption.
Medicated shampoo: This would be more effective on a generalised infection. Washes off the skin of your pet to help with the infection getting better with time.
Oral medications: This is why vet mostly uses the oral antifungal treatment method giving a systemic approach to deal with ringworm-from within. These medicines are typically given along with food to ease intake for your pet. Unfortunately, however, periodic blood tests may be needed to check for side effects, including bone marrow suppression.
The length of time your pet has to be treated will depend on the severity of the infection, but it will be at least six weeks and possibly longer. Throughout this process, your vet will guide you on recovering your pet and probably recommend tests for any other pets in the household to prevent reinfection.
Manage Hygiene to Prevent Spread
It spreads very easily, and cleaning is an important part of the treatment for ringworm; it can be distributed easily along with the pet’s fur, bedding, and surfaces where the pet is put. Here are some steps you can take to help reduce the spread of ringworm in your home:
Vacuum the rugs, furniture, and soft surfaces where your pet spends time daily.
Wash all the pet beds, blankets, toys, and slip covers of furniture at least once a week.
Disinfect all the hard surfaces that the pet usually comes into contact with on a daily basis.
Dispose of shed hair immediately after brushing your pet.
Replace soft toys and mats with easily washable alternatives.
Moreover, it is better that you limit the physical contact with your pet during treatments, especially if other pets or very young children share a household with you. Ringworm has zoonotic potential; therefore, wash your hands thoroughly once you finish interacting with the pet.
Tips to Prevent It
There is no complete prevention from ringworm exposure, but you can consider steps to reduce the odds of your pet getting it. Regular cleaning is important, and keeping that immune system fit is the key to lessening susceptibility to these infections.
Training your pet to do regular exercise, feeding it a rich diet, and maintaining a regime of booster supplements would help enhance the immune performance of your pet. Therefore, you are also giving your pet a regular, cleaned environment to exercise wondering why or how to prevent it from fungal infections like ringworm.
Though it may be a norm for pets to ring, it can easily be treated. Early symptom recognition, a good working plan from the vet, and a clean healthy environment set out for your pet will see it back to its feel-good self in no time. So, take proactive measures against ringworm and keep your furry friend healthy and safe with these easy steps!