
Curved Sprint Training: Unlocking Game Speed for Athletes

When designing an effective speed program for athletes, one essential question to ask is: “Will this help bridge the gap between training and real competition?” Speed drills are crucial for athletes looking to improve their performance, but if those improvements don’t translate into better outcomes during competition, the training has missed the mark.

Curved Sprint Training

My coaching team and I work with over 1,000 athletes every year at FSQ Sports Training just outside Pittsburgh, PA, from youth league players to professional athletes. We train athletes in football, basketball, baseball, soccer, and even competitive cheerleading. For the last 10 years, we have had curved sprints in every training for athletes regardless of their sport within our facility.
When SimpliFaster reached out for me to contribute to this article, I was shocked by the limited resources on curvilinear sprinting. There’s a wealth of material on straight-line speed and change of direction, but how often do we hear about training for the curve? If we focus solely on straight-line sprints or change of direction, are we truly preparing athletes for the unpredictable, multidimensional nature of sport?
Movement in sport is not confined to a straight line. The real world of athletic performance happens in the space between those linear movements—curves and angles are where athletes often find themselves in real-game scenarios. This is where curved sprinting comes into play.

Why Curved Sprinting Matters

We’ve all heard that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. Sure, that’s true in geometry. But think of a 400-meter Olympic race on a square track. The runners fly down the straightaways only to come to a full stop at each corner, reaccelerating after every turn. Not only would this slow the race down, but the energy required would be vastly greater than on a circular track. In sports, athletes need to adapt on the fly, problem-solve, and move efficiently. This ability to adjust—moving faster or slowing down when needed—is what we call game speed. And curved sprinting is key to unlocking it.

The SAID Principle: Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demands

In order to grasp why curved sprinting is important in training, we need to talk very briefly about the SAID principle: Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demands. This means that the human organism adapts to the specific type of movement to which it is regularly subjected. So, if you are doing sled pulls and straightline sprints, the skills in those areas would improve, thereby creating a “robotic” athlete excelling in straight lines but lacking any skills in more complex game-like movements.
I’m not saying we should ditch sleds or linear sprints—those are important. But we need to broaden our approach and give athletes a wider range of tools. If athletes routinely make cuts, curves, and turns during their sport, their training should reflect that. Curved sprints help develop those essential movements that aren’t always linear.

The Role of Curved Sprints in Speed Training

At FSQ, we introduce curved sprints gradually, just like we do with linear sprints and change of direction drills. Starting with lower intensity and volume is key. In our training, we first introduce curved sprinting as part of the warm-up. This helps athletes get comfortable with the movements and prepares them for higher intensity work later on.
Warm-up Variations: We begin with lower-intensity curved sprint variations like Snake Runs, Figure 8s, and Crop Circles. These simple drills are great for teaching athletes how to use their body’s edges and balance during curved sprints. We also incorporate single-leg hops to familiarize athletes with lateral and medial forces, which are common in sport.

Progressing Curved Sprints: Small vs. Large Radii

Once athletes are comfortable with the basics, we progress curved sprints by adjusting the radius of the curves. Smaller-radius curves require more bending and leaning, challenging athletes to adjust their posture, foot placement, and overall control. These drills are slower but essential for building the range of motion needed in the feet, ankles, knees, and hips. We begin with these small-radius curves in the off-season at low intensity, then gradually increase volume and intensity as the season progresses.
As athletes adapt, we move to larger-radius curves. These drills are faster, with less bending required. Athletes will need to maintain control over their body while running at higher velocities, simulating the demands of real sports situations where speed, agility, and fluid movement are required. In our training, we pair these larger-radius curved sprints with linear sprints, progressing both at the same rate to ensure that athletes become equally effective at running straight and curving at speed.
Variations for Larger Radii: These drills often involve accelerating into the curve or running at full speed before entering a turn. We also include drills where athletes change direction mid-curve to simulate the unpredictability of sports. Competition also plays a crucial role here. We frequently have athletes race each other or perform chase drills, which add intensity and engagement.

The Final Progression: Open-Ended Drills

Once athletes have mastered closed drills, we move to open drills that allow them to apply what they’ve learned in more dynamic settings. This is where the magic happens—athletes begin to internalize the movements, and they feel more natural.
Open Drills in Practice: We use a mix of general and sport-specific open drills. For example, “Sharks & Minnows” or “Capture the Flag” are fun ways to practice curved sprinting while engaging in strategic movement. We also tailor drills to the athletes’ specific sports: For football, we simulate tight curves that a defensive end might take while rushing the quarterback. Basketball players may work on navigating curved paths around the 3-point arc.

Why Curved Sprinting is Essential

Curved sprinting differs from straight-line speed training as it develops skills that come into play when executing complex movements on the field, court, or track. Curved sprints work on athletes’ precision and agility concerning their respective sports. Injury prevention is another benefit, as it builds strength and stability in the muscle groups used during changes in direction.
For athletes coming back from injury, curved sprinting is equally important. It simulates the forces involved in quick turns and accelerations, helping them regain their agility and confidence before returning to full play.
Testing Improvement: Measuring progress with curved sprinting can be tricky, but it’s essential. Use timing gates or simple measurements along the field to track improvements in speed and technique. The goal is to improve athletes’ functional performance, not just how fast they can run a test.

Final Thoughts

Curved sprints constitute a core portion of any training program. It develops strength, agility, and speed, while decreasing the risk of injury. Whether conditioning an athlete for competitive play or as part of rehabilitative assistance from injury, curved sprints must be included in any speed-training program.
At FSQ Sports Training, we know how curved sprinting develops game speed, performance enhancement, and injury prevention among athletes. Feel free to contact me on social media (@T_Cortazzo) or by email at for more on how you can implement curved sprints into your training program. Let’s help your athletes run faster, jump higher, and play better!

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