
Ever Heard of Tonsil Stones

Sore Throat Symptoms That Never Seem to End For that long sore throat that doesn’t go away, chances are, the culprit has a tonsil stone in it. Most people just don’t know what to call these little annoying deposits or bother feeling it because it might be another thing responsible for their sore throat or bad breath.

Tonsil Stones Symptoms

Recently, a friend of mine came to me with a query on tonsil stones, claiming that he gargles whenever he gets a sore throat, which nearly immediately clears it. I thought tonsil stones are somewhat rare phenomenon until they told me how common they are.
So What Tonsil Stones Really Are? What are the common misconceptions associated with those? Let’s try to delve in some more.
So What are Tonsil Stones?
Tonsillolith is a term used in medical vocabulary; small, hard deposits found in the tonsils crypts are called tonsilloliths. Well, the tonsils are born with very narrow folds or indentations into which small food particles, bacteria, saliva, and dead cells may get trapped. With time, these particles may harden to form stones, leading to many of the symptoms people experience.
These stones can differ a lot from one person to another. Few of the differences include:
Size: Some stones are smaller than visible, while some may grow as big as gravel, though rarely may be even bigger.
Consistency: They start off soft but harden as time goes by till they become rock-like-this is where the term “tonsil stones” originated from.
Duration: Tonsil stones can last anywhere from days to weeks to sometimes even longer until they break down or fall out.
Frequency: Some people might have a few episodes of tonsil stones in a year, while others might have to suffer from it multiple times a month.
How Common Are Tonsil Stones?
Not much talked about, but indeed the most common ones-tonsil stones. Studies report up to 40 percent of people will have tonsil stones in their lifetime. They rarely cause significant health problems, but they may cause some discomfort. One hears much about kidney stones or gall stones, but hardly hears of treatments for tonsil stones- probably because little is made in the course of treatment for them.
Even good hygiene does not necessarily guard one against development of tonsil stones. The brushing, flossing, and dentist visits do not guarantee one against these irritating little things.
What Symptoms did Tonsil Stones Cause?
Tonsil stones may exist within you without your ever knowing of it. Most individuals who have tonsil stones do not show symptoms but, if and when symptoms emerge, they may be on different occasions: Throat pain or irritation: as if something got stuck far back in your throat. It is, however, one of the most common signs of tonsil stones: bad breath.
Cough: Tonsil stones may often become coughed out.
Discomfort in swallowing: Larger stones may cause discomfort when eating or drinking.
Infections of the throat: Tonsil stones can bring recurrent infections to the tonsils.
Though not dangerous in themselves, these stones can become very annoying in people’s day-to-day lives when they begin to exhibit the symptoms.
Who Is at Risk for Tonsil Stones?
Everyone who has tonsils can develop tonsil stones. However, there are certain factors that can increase the likelihood that some individuals will develop them, such as:
The more dentated your tonsils are: An irregularly shaped mouth with deeper crypts makes it easier for debris to get trapped and form stones.
Tonsillitis itself can be set off by smoking. Rather, it helps in irritating the tonsils and making them inflamed which is aiding the development of stones.
Diet: It seems that tonsil stones go higher among people with high consumption of sugary drinks or food. Sugar can feed the bacteria involved in forming stone.
Poor oral hygiene: Nice hygiene certainly does not mean one will completely evade the tonsil stones. It can definitely reduce the risk.
Family history: Tonsil stones can occur predisposed due to family history; in other words, if someone in your family has had it, it is possible for you to have it.
How Are Tonsil Stones Treated?
Treatment of tonsil stones is based largely on whether you are showing symptoms of tonsil stones and how severe they are.
No symptoms: Don’t worry about them if they are not causing any problems. Just leave them alone, because they might break up and come out by themselves.
Mild symptoms: If you’re having any discomfort, gargling warm saltwater could dislodge the stones. Some people also tend to use cotton swabs or a water flosser to gently get them out. However, avoid sharp objects such as toothpicks or balls-point pens. You can injure your tonsil or throat using them.
If the tonsils are swollen or inflamed, the physician may prescribe anti-inflammatory medication or antibiotics to relieve symptoms.
If you feel something heavy in your throat, it suggests that tonsil stones are not yielding any trouble as they may break and come out by themselves. For mild symptoms, you could gargle with warm saltwater, but for some, cotton swabs or a water flosser might be used to gently dislodge the stones. Stay clear of such sharp objects as toothpicks or ballpoint pens; they may injure the tonsil or throat. If your tonsils are infected or swollen, you may need an antibiotic or anti-inflammatory for pain relief and less swelling.
When is Surgery Necessary?
For very rare situations surgery is needed, in fact, if tonsil stones cause recurring infections or so much discomfort, which is frequent but does not improve after home remedies, here are some instances of surgical procedures:
Tonsillectomy: This is the procedure wherein the complete tonsils are taken out. It works but is usually reserved for extreme cases.
Cryptolysis: Here, a laser or other tool is used to smooth out the deep edges of your tonsils where it makes stone formation harder.
Can Tonsil Stones Be Prevented?
Well, it is not possible to ensure that tonsil stones will not grow, but some preventive measures can minimize the risk:
Good oral hygiene practice: Brushing the teeth and tongue twice and flossing daily would lessen the number of bacteria and food materials in the mouth.
Gargle with saline: Gargling after eating would help prevent food accumulation in your tonsils.
Less sugar in foods and drinks: Cutting back on sugar limits the bacteria that cause tonsil stones.
Stop smoking: Irritates the tonsils and increases the chances of developing stones.
The Bottom Line Tonsil stones are actually pretty common, and for a lot of people, it is irritating but not unhealthy. Though not necessarily dangerous relatively speaking, they can be uncomfortable and sometimes result in bad breath or sore throats. Knowing about tonsil stones and how to manage them really helps with the amount of bother they cause.
For those who are affected by the tonsil stones, treatment , as well as prevention, is generally achieved quite easily with adjustments in habits, and they are usually not much of a big deal by the time its discussed with someone else.

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